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How Vaporooter Solved Tree Root Blocked Drains in Bondi, Sydney

G’day, it’s Dave from Vaporooter Australia, and today I’m celebrating a job well done in Bondi, Sydney. We recently tackled a major issue where the roots of a massive Moreton Bay fig tree were causing persistent blocked drains at a client’s property. This tree’s roots had been infiltrating the house’s drainage system for years, causing significant issues.

After discussing the situation with the homeowners, we applied Vaporooter to stop the tree roots from blocking their drains. This solution works wonders by eliminating invasive roots in sewer pipes and preventing further damage. The best part? Our clients now benefit from the Vaporooter Guarantee. And it didn’t cost thousands of dollars.

What Is the Vaporooter Guarantee?

If you experience a blocked drain due to tree roots after we’ve applied Vaporooter to your property, we’ll come back and clear the blockage free of charge. That’s right, no extra cost. It’s a hassle-free guarantee that ensures your drains stay clear of tree root invasions.

Why Choose Vaporooter?

Vaporooter is a cost-effective, long-term solution to tree root blockages in drains. Instead of costly repairs or pipe replacements, Vaporooter treats the issue at its source by killing off the roots without harming the trees. It’s a trusted method for homeowners dealing with problematic tree roots in drains, like in this Bondi case study.

If you’re facing similar issues with tree roots blocking your drains, give us a call at 1800 637 600 or

visit us online at

And if you want more helpful tips or to see how Vaporooter can work for you, check out our YouTube channel Stop Tree Roots in Drains and don’t forget to hit the subscribe button for updates!

Resolving Post-Easter Drain Disasters

A Strategy for Property Managers

I know the lead up to the Easter break was hectic, and you may not have seen my Easter Long-Weekend post . However, now it’s Tuesday and many of our property managers are dealing with the aftermath of blocked drains reported by their tenants over the weekend. Despite the holiday’s being over, the repercussions of a blocked sewer persists, causing disruptions and unnecessary discomfort to your tenants, your owners and you. If you’re facing post-Easter drain disasters, here’s a comprehensive guide to help manage the situation and prevent future Blocked Drains.

Address Any Immediate Concerns

Respond promptly and with empathy to tenant reports of blocked drains following the Easter break. Assure them that you’re taking necessary steps to resolve the issue. Arrange for a professional plumber to assess the situation promptly, prioritizing those properties with urgent drainage problems.

Fun Fact

85% of Blocked Drains are caused by Tree Roots!

Identifying the Root Cause

During the inspection, your plumber will determine the underlying cause of the blockage. Tree roots infiltrating sewer lines are often to blame, particularly during periods of increased growth like our long hot summer. To say these invasive tree roots can wreak havoc on plumbing systems, leading to Blocked Drains and potential damage if left unattended is a little melodramatic however, it can be pretty unpleasant.

Implementing Long-Term Solutions

While addressing immediate concerns is vital, focus on implementing long-term solutions to prevent recurrence. Consider Vaporooter as a proactive solution for inhibiting root growth in sewer drains. By treating affected pipes with Vaporooter, you create a protective barrier that deters Tree Root regrowth, safeguarding against future blockages and costly repairs.

Communicating with Tenants

Maintain transparent communication throughout the process, updating tenants on any repair status and preventive measures being taken. Encourage your tenants to report any signs of drainage problems promptly. Empower them to play an active role in property maintenance and preservation.

Routine Maintenance and Vigilance

Prioritize routine maintenance to ensure the ongoing health of plumbing systems. Schedule regular inspections and maintenance checks, especially for properties with mature trees nearby. Stay vigilant and proactive to mitigate the risk of future Blocked Drain disasters and minimize disruptions for tenants.


Post-Easter drain disasters might feel like an unwelcome surprise egg hunt, but fear not! With a proactive approach and the right strategies in place, you can crack down on those stubborn blockages. By addressing immediate concerns, implementing long-term solutions like Vaporooter, and keeping the lines of communication flowing with your tenants, you’ll emerge victorious against those relentless tree roots. And hey, by having your plumber use Vaporooter, you can ensure that next Easter holiday doesn’t turn into a “root awakening” for your drains! So, let’s roll up our sleeves, tackle those drain dilemmas, and keep the laughter flowing like unclogged pipes.

Using Vaporooter is smart!

If you have any questions about Vaporooter and whether it’s suitable for your situation Call me on 1800 637 600

If Vaporooter doesn’t suit your circumstance you’ve wasted 10 minutes.

If it does, you’re a genius!

You must see this Vaporooter Case Study

If you’re a Strata Property manager or a home owner and you’ve got blocked drains caused by tree roots, you should definitely consider Vaporooter. It’s been around for 56 years because it works!

Watch this 2:00 min YouTube clip to see how tree roots grow in your pipes and the damage that can be caused.

If you’re wondering whether or not, you should have your drains and pipes treated with Vaporooter, this real case study of a drain pipe inspection should remove any doubt that you should do it.

You are going to see through high-technology CCTV cameras that we can actually put through the pipe as we’re doing now we can see inside the pipe.

One of the things very few people know is how tree roots find their way into pipes.

The way they do that is they find first the condensation on top of the pipe that’s created when warm water flows through your drains and pipes. Once they’ve found a source of water in the condensation, then they start looking for nutrients, which they get by extracting it from the fluids that actually flow through your pipes.

Tree roots find their way into your pipes through tiny little cracks, usually in joints between two pipe segments or some kind of structural damage to the pipe. You can see here that once the tree roots come into the pipe, they can create a lot of obstruction to the flow within the drain.

One of the things that a lot of people don’t know is that once you start cutting tree roots they’re going to, just like a hedge or a rose bush, grow thicker and stronger every single time they’re cut.

So to just cut tree roots out of a drain pipe is not a solution.

That’s why you need a long-term strategy like Vaporooter with the annual treatment that’s guaranteed to keep tree roots at bay.

You want to make absolutely sure that you sleep well at night knowing that your pipes are not going to look like this.

Without Vaporooter, that’s exactly what’s happening! Your drains and pipes are getting clogged one more root at a time.

Contact us now at or Call 1800 637 600

Vaporooter or pipe re-lining – A cost comparison

Hello, its Dave Conroy here and I’m here to talk about my favourite subject, stopping tree roots in sewer pipes.
And in particular with Vaporooter!

Now, one of the most common questions that is asked of me is “Should I re-line my pipes or Should I use Vaporooter?”

Simply put, relining is a great process in the right place. To re-line a single metre, one metre of pipeline here in Sydney will cost you about one thousand dollars. For that amount of money, you could treat a 30 metre section of pipeline! So, economically, Vaporooter is a great option.

To reline 30 metres it’s about 30 grand.

To treat 30 metres with Vaporooter will cost you about $1000.00. It will keep tree roots away and give you an opportunity to work out what to do with your pipes in the long term.

If you have any questions about whether you should re-line or apply Vaporooter to your home,
Call me on 1800 637 600 or go to

Why trees choose sewer over stormwater pipes

Trees are more likely to grow into sewer pipes than stormwater pipes.

Every day we use our plumbing sending that water and fertiliser combination along the pipeline for the trees and their root systems to drink their fill. BUT, stormwater pipes only carry water when it rains, which in this country is fairly unreliable.

If I was a tree and had a choice of putting my roots into a sewer pipe or a stormwater pipe, I would choose the sewer pipes because every day, as regular as clockwork, I will be fed and watered. If I chose the stormwater pipes, I may die of thirst!

When will you do my Vaporooter?

I just had a phone call from Deborah wanting to know when we are doing her annual Vaporooter treatment.

Deb said “You usually come at the end of October. You’ve been coming every year since 2010.”

“Oh, my pipes aren’t blocked but, I don’t want to go back to those days with horrible sewage overflowing and my toilet won’t flush” she said.

Deb has a large fig tree growing on the nature strip at the front of her home.

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered Deborah

Apologies for the wind noise at the start of this 2.01 min clip.

I don’t want to live like this!

Sonia, from Bronte asked, “What does your Vaporooter Guarantee actually mean?” You could hear the fear in her voice!

Sonia lives on the first floor of an 8 storey block of home units. “About every 3 months we get a blocked drain caused by tree roots in the pipes under our building.”

“Depending on the type of tree, that’s not unusual,” I said.

“You don’t understand,” she said as her throat began to tighten. “When we get a blockage, all the sewer and waste water flushed by the residents on the 7 floors above, hits the blockage in the carpark and backs up through the floor drain in my bathroom.”
overflowing toilet Yuk!
“Ouch, Do you mean everything?’

“Yes, everything. Poo, condoms, tampons, cotton wool buds, toilet paper. It’s absolutely disgusting. It makes me want to throw up just thinking about it, running from the floor drain in my bathroom, out the door and all over the hallway and lounge room carpet.”

“But, why are you so upset now?” I asked.

“It’s been 4 months since it happened, so it’s gonna happen again soon. I don’t want to live like this!”

I actually had this conversation on April 8th 2016.

The Body corporate committee are getting other opinions on Tree root treatments for drains.

I feel for Sonia.

Questions about Vaporooter?

No matter where you are in Australia, if you have a blocked drain caused by tree roots and you want to discuss the situation, please ring me on 1800 637 600.

Every situation with tree roots in sewer pipes is different!

If you know that tree roots are causing your blocked sewer pipes but you’re not sure Vaporooter will work in your situation, I want you to contact me personally to discuss the situation.

As a regular reader of this blog you already know there are several ways to Stop Tree Roots in Drains.

Root cutting: Makes the roots grow back Thicker and Stronger!

Pipe excavation: Damages gardens, lawns and footpaths. It is messy and can be very expensive!

Pipe relining: Its expensive!

Vaporooter will do what all these processes do … a fraction of the cost!

Stop Tree Roots in Pipes: Client Testimonial

Just in via email…..

Dear Dave and Leigh,
Thank you for doing the Vaporooter treatment this morning, it gives me considerable peace of mind.

As you will recall we had experienced some nasty sewer blockages previously, up to two a year, due to an invasive ficus vine spreading its tree roots into our pipes. The sewer line passes under a slab floor and access to the pipes is virtually impossible without major invasive works; Vaporooter seemed like a good option.

Once the blockage had been thoroughly cleared, you applied the treatment.

Today’s was the third annual re-treatment and I am happy to tell you that we have had no trouble whatsoever with the drains. The treatment has been successful and has avoided a costly and invasive repair job.

Thanks, Stephen
Kingsford 2032 Sydney
Clean surf compressed 1

Street trees block drains


Are these Beautiful Trees in your street?

Liquid amber, London plane tree, Golden Robinia, Hills weeping fig, Brush box.

Every year as they grow a little bigger their expanding canopy adds thousands of dollars to the value to your home, bringing energy saving cool shade from the summer heat, the beauty of the colours of autumn, some, when they lose their leaves, provide much needed natural lighting and in some cases a windbreak in winter. 075

These same trees help replenish our oxygen supply and bring birdlife in abundance, a place for the kids to play, making your street one of the most sought after in your suburb.

Imagine your street without the trees.

Now if you have lived in your tree-lined street for some time, you will know that there is a downside to having these trees.

Did you know their luxurious canopy is fed by a root system that is fed nutrition from the non-stop supply running through that main artery from your home, also known as your sewer pipes?

Tree roots are growing around the clock; they don’t just grow overnight. They start, finer than the hairs on your head, searching for that hint of moisture or condensation on the top of your sewer pipes. (Condensation is caused as the water running through the sewer is slightly warmer than the pipes and the earth they are laying in).

Their task has been made easier by the trench excavation, breaking up soils to fit the pipes in the first place. Backfill and compaction is still way easier for tree roots to penetrate than virgin soils.

Once the fine hairs get in through the slightest crack in old earthenware or terra cotta pipe joints, they feast on the nutrients available, and grow constantly. They can end up as thick as your arm with a horse tail attached.


We have cut tree roots from sewers that fit this description and up to 8 metres in length.

As the roots grow in length they grow in diameter and can actually crack the earthenware pipes as they grow.

They don’t just grow overnight.

Who knows how a tree thinks?

Once they get in the pipe and have a constant source of moisture and nutrients they will keep coming back for more. Having their roots cut by drain cleaners is like pruning the roots. As any gardener will tell you, pruning makes them grow thicker and stronger. Think hedges or Rose bush.

It’s the same with the root system.